cucumber_rust 0.3.4

An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies


An implementation of the Cucumber testing framework for Rust. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.


Create a directory called tests/ in your project root and create a test target of your choice. In this example we will name it

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

name = "cucumber"
harness = false # Allows Cucumber to print output instead of libtest

cucumber = "^0.3.4"

Create a directory called features/ and put a feature file in it named something like example.feature. It might look like:

Feature: Example feature

  Scenario: An example scenario
    Given I am trying out Cucumber
    When I consider what I am doing
    Then I am interested in ATDD
    And we can implement rules with regex

And here's an example of implementing those steps using our tests/ file:

extern crate cucumber_rust;

pub struct World {
    // You can use this struct for mutable context in scenarios.

impl cucumber_rust::World for MyWorld {}
impl std::default::Default for MyWorld {
    fn default() -> MyWorld {
        // This function is called every time a new scenario is started
        MyWorld { }

mod example_steps {
    steps! {
        world: ::MyWorld; // Any type that implements Default can be the world

        given "I am trying out Cucumber" |world, step| {
            // Set up your context in given steps

        when "I consider what I am doing" |world, step| {
            // Take actions

        then "I am interested in ATDD" |world, step| {
            // Check that the outcomes to be observed have occurred

        then regex r"^we can (.*) rules with regex$" |world, matches, step| {
            // And access them as an array
            assert_eq!(matches[1], "implement");

        then regex r"^we can also match (\d+) (.+) types$", (usize, String) |world, num, word, step| {
            // `num` will be of type usize, `word` of type String

cucumber! {
    features: "./features"; // Path to our feature files
    world: ::MyWorld; // The world needs to be the same for steps and the main cucumber call
    steps: &[
        example_steps::steps // the `steps!` macro creates a `steps` function in a module
    before: || {
      // Called once before everything; optional.

The cucumber! creates the main function to be run.

The steps! macro generates a function named steps with all the declared steps in the module it is defined in. Ordinarily you would create something like a steps/ directory to hold your steps modules instead of inline like the given example.

The full gamut of Cucumber's Gherkin language is implemented by the gherkin-rust project. Features such as data tables and docstrings will be progressively implemented prior to v1.0.0.


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at your option.